Freitag, 20. April 2012


Juhu, liebe gruesse aus Bali! Hab das hier in ner Zeitschrift gelesen...

Time is free, but its also priceless.
You cannot own it, but you can use it.
You cannot keep it, but you can spend it.
But once you've lost it, you can never find it again.
Our most prized possession. And our most elusive.
We hurtle into the future with every breath.
Memories our past. Dreams our future.
Time is all we have!
Which is why as surfers we are doing the right thing.
Spending our time as valued as possible.
Surfing as an ultimate meditation. A connection with the natural world.
We don't just observe nature, we swim in it.
Looking back is essential. The past defines us.
Its our evolution. Looking at now is essential because nothing is
worth than this day and looking toward the future is essential not as a place
we are travelling to, but as a place we are creating.
There is no distance on earth more far away than yesterday and
no distance closer than tomorrow.
Eternity is not something that begins after you are dead.
It is going on all the time.
Look to the future with hope!
Because thats where you are going to spend the rest of your life!

Ja jeder sollte also seine Zeit nuetzen und ich tu das ja gerade auf Bali und da ich hier ich moecht schon fast sagen nen geregelten Tagesablauf gibt es au gar net soooo viel zu schreiben!
ich sag nur
aufstehen - surfen - essen - roller fahren - Freunde treffen - surfen - essen - Feierabendbierchen oder au mal nen Shake- schlafen! Tagesablauf genug :-)????

Also erst mal liebe Gruesse und net vergessen... jeden Tag nuetzen :-)


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